Our apartments, your home

-Civette, il nostro Appartamento open Space

Our renovation, our style:
the Tradition.

Our 17th century villa has undergone a careful and conservative restoration to maintain its original character and charm. We have taken great care to preserve the original materials, such as the beautiful terracotta floors and wooden beams, while adding modern amenities for our guests’ comfort. However, there are some peculiarities of the house that have been left intact, as they add to the unique character of the villa. While sometimes strange even to us, we believe that they are an integral part of the house’s originality and history.

Our apartments










Whether you’re traveling as a couple, with family or friends, or solo, we have the perfect apartment for you. Discover the beauty and tranquility of San Leo and make yourself at home in one of our delightful apartments.

Contact us or use our booking engine to receive a customised quote for your next trip to Tuscany.

dove siamo
Azienda agraria S. Leo Di Bonechi Luciano e Leandro Snc

Via Badia Montescalari, 9 50063 Figline e Incisa Valdarno
La nostra residenza è casa vostra

+39 377 0450 854


Dati Legali
P.Iva/Codice Fiscale: 04334340488
Rea:FI 439378
Pec: as.at.sanleo@pec.it